Friday, July 22, 2016

How to implement shopping cart in laravel 5

How to implement shopping cart in laravel 5:

For implement shopping cart in your application we have to follow following steps:

1. In your composer.json file write the following code in require:

"gloudemans/shoppingcart": "^2.1",

then run command composer update.

2. In config/app.php write the following code.

In providers:

In aliases:
'Cart'            => \Gloudemans\Shoppingcart\Facades\Cart::class,

Now we can use cart in our applications

for add product in cart:
 Cart::add('293ad', 'Product 1', 1, 9.99);

 Here first parms is product id, 2nd is name of product, 3rd quantity and 4th is price of product

for update:
Cart::update($rowId, 2);

Here $rowId is a unique id product wise which is generate automatically.
2nd params is the quantity, which we want to increase.

for remove:

for check the cart:

for destroy cart:

for total in cart:

for count in cart:



  1. Hej....
    What about session? Can I use session with it?

  2. Is it better to use a shopping cart for creating an ecommerce site on Laravel? Or I can use packages that offer full ecommerce system? I have noticed that creating a complete ecommerce site using ecommerce package in Laravel ( ) is much simpler than implementing a shopping cart. Which one would you suggest?

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